We solve problems with technology for all things facilities.

myWork Enterprise

The tools and information you need to manage your work in real-time.

Client tools

Clients & Store Managers

Field service tools

Field Staff & Subcontractors

Client tools

Clients & Store Managers

Facility management tools

Sales, Operations, & Back Office

Field service tools

Field Staff & Subcontractors
Client WO Systems
plus, many others

Middleware tools

3RD Party Integrations
Accounting Software
plus, many others
Accounting Software
plus, many others
myWork Enterprise



Reduce operational costs

78% reduction in administrative tasks and duplicative business processes with automation and 3rd party integrations.
A-La-Carte Family Of Applications
Quickly Onboard New Subcontractors
Integrations to 3rd Party Systems
White Labeled & Fully Customizable


Scale and grow

15% ROI - fast and efficient scalability for managing more work and subcontractors with less people
A-La-Carte Family Of Applications
Quickly Onboard New Subcontractors
Integrations to 3rd Party Systems
White Labeled & Fully Customizable
myWork Enterprise

Platform Features

The only platform service companies can trust.

We’re one of the fasting growing software companies

Advanced software development of innovative niche technology

Our customers and the challenges they face

Facility & Property Managers and Commercial Service Providers
Reducing costs, increasing access to skilled labor and supply resources, andensuring the health and safety of properties and its occupants

The source of truth for our customers

With our core and connected ecosystem, we can:
Provide a single integrated platform to address the needs of our customers
Improve the sustainability of properties
Take a leadership position in the marketplace with myWork platform solutions
Work Orders
Client Locations
Sub Compliance
GPS Check in
Field Forms
Vendor Profiles
Service Appts.
myWork Enterprise

WO Engine

Sales CRM + Field Service
Management – All in One.
Our Work Order (WO) Engine is built on Salesforce Field Service™ and is fully configurable for your service delivery needs.There is no better solution for managing sales, clients, locations, work, subcontractors, and in-house staff all in one place.
Built in CRM Tools
Customizable Dashboards, Reports
Manage all scheduled,

on-demand & emergency services
View detailed field collected data
in real-time
myWork Enterprise

Field Technician Tools

White Labeled, Gated Workflows, Custom Mobile Forms, Proof of Service,
and Proof of Prescence
FieldTech, a fully offline mobile application for subcontractors and in-house field crews to clockin/out and capture field data all in real time.
Work Order Lists
Detailed Work Orders
Customized Actions
Proof of Prescence
myWork Enterprise

Subcontractor Tools

Self Onboarding
Dashboards & Reports
Scheduled & On-demand
Mobile Optimized
Company Profiles
Proposal Management
Document Storage
White Labeled
Invoice Management
Emails & Notifications
Work Compliance
CMMS scheduling
User Settings
Secure & Protected
Self Onboarding
Dashboards & Reports
Scheduled & On-demand
Mobile Optimized
White Labeled
Invoice Management
Emails & Notifications
Work Compliance
Company Profiles
Proposal Management
Document Storage
CMMS scheduling
User Settings
Secure & Protected

Work Order


myWork Enterprise

Mobile Form Builder

An application for your operations team to build and publish custom field forms.
Build custom field forms and publish them in real-time for your subcontractors and in-house field crews to engage as new opportunities arise. Capturing field level details with customized forms allows you to be flexible with your clients.
Mobile Form Builder - Custom Forms For Your Field Services
Field Forms
myWork Enterprise

Client Tools

An application for your clients and/or store managers to manage work in real-time,
view dashboards, submitservice requests, run reports, and approve invoices.
The myWork Enterprise combines insights with portfolio-wide visibility providing your clients with the necessary insightsto ensure greater success.
Real-Time Work Order Updates
Dashboards & Reporting
Service Requests
Self-Managed Application
User Settings / Permissions
White Labeled
Secure & Protected

A Playbook for Success

Do the right thing for our customers

Give customers access to the toolsand offerings they need most.
Lower certain barriers of entry tonew small business mid-market customers or turning to FMSsolutions.

Manage for the short and long term

Play offense in any macroenvironment to differentiate yourcompany
Control discretionary spend andfocus on applications, features,products that have a ROI.
Invest in what is most important forfuture growth.

Focus on future innovation

Play offense by investingaggressively in the largestopportunities for the future.
Take advantage of opportunities torecruit top talent to innovate for ourcustomers.
Have more conviction than everbefore in our AI-driven expertplatform strategy and Big Bets.